Mapping Site Experience With Opt-in Option


Qualaroo lets you set cookies in response and then target based on cookies. The recipe lets visitors opt-in to a site experience survey that will only show when they attempt to leave your site.


It is one of the primary surveys we recommend running if you're preparing for a website redesign.


Table of Contents:


1. First Survey Content

2. Second Survey Content


 First Survey Content


Question: “Are you willing to answer some questions based on your experience?”


Answer type: Single answer option, “Yes/No.”


“Yes” branches to a message screen that says, “Thank you! When you attempt to leave our site, you’ll be prompted to take our survey.”


“No” branches to a message screen, saying, “Thank you.” You won’t be prompted to see our site experience survey at the end of your visit.”


Site experience survey


If you need help understanding all the options available within the Survey Editor, visit this portion of our Help Center.


1st survey targeting options



If you need help understanding all the options available within the Targeting Section, please visit this portion of our Help Center.


Setting cookies on a respondent’s answer


Click on the “Integrations” tab in the header menu, select “Set a cookie value based on a respondent’s answer,” and click on the box.


Copy and save the cookie value for the “Yes” answer. It will be required to target our second survey.


Set Cookie Value


 Second Survey Content


You're welcome to change these questions based on your site's content, but the following recipe is the most generic and can be used for any site or service.


Question 1: "How would you rate your overall experience on our site today?"


Answer 1 type: NPS answer type with the labels changed to "Poor" and "Excellent."



Question 2: 0-6 will branch to "I'm sorry to hear you had such a poor experience. What would you like to see us change?" 7-8 will branch to "What, if anything, would you like to see us do to improve?" 9-10 will branch to "That's great to hear! Would you be interested in virtual user-testing with us?" with "Yes/No" as the answer options.


Answer 2 type: Text-based answer type / Single answer type



Question 3: "What did you come to the site do?"


Answer 3 type: Text-based answer type



Question 4: "Were you able to do it successfully?"


Answer 4 type: Single answer type. Yes, quickly / Yes, eventually / No, I still need help.



If you need help understanding all the options available within the Survey Editor, visit this portion of our Help Center.


2nd survey targeting options



If you need help understanding all the options available within the Targeting Section, please visit this portion of our Help Center.


These are just suggestions. We recommend experimenting to see what works best for you.

While the suggestions mentioned are a great place to start, we ask you to keep in mind that what may work well for some may not work for all. Constantly test and tweak your surveys to hone what works best for your circumstances.


That is all about the site experience survey with the opt-in option.



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