How to Add Qualaroo SDK to Your Android/iOS App Using Flutter
Qualaroo SDK allows you to add a popup survey for your customers on your Android/iOS apps. By integrating the Qualaroo SDK into your platform, you can collect detailed insights and valuable feedback to understand your users better.
Here’s how the survey appears on your Android/iOS device using Qualaroo SDK:
By integrating Qualaroo SDK using Flutter, you can:
Quickly integrate Chat SDK with pre-written code
Offer better scalability for a large user base
Use it with a single codebase for platforms like Android or iOS
To Add Qualaroo SDK to Your Android/iOS App
Step 1: Adding the Dependency
Open your code editor and navigate to the file "pubspec.yaml" within your Flutter directory. In this file, define the Qualaroo SDK dependency as follows:
Step 2: Installing Qualaoo SDK
Navigate to your project directory to download the package and run the following command in your terminal:
Step 3: Setting up SDK
Import Qualaroo flutter SDK using:
To Set SDK For iOS
Navigate to the iOS directory and run the command:
Step 4: Usage
Import the Qualaroo flutter plugin into your code:
Once the Qualaroo Flutter plugin is imported successfully, the survey will display on your Android/ iOS devices.
That's all about adding Qualaroo SDK to the Android/iOS App Using Flutter. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.