How to Use Labels or Tags in Qualaroo™


Labels or tags allow admins to associate Qualaroo™ responses to specific tags to categorize & filter them quickly. The feature streamlines response management.


Here’s what labeling will look like in Qualaroo.


Preview of Labels or Tags added with Responses


Labels will help you to,


  • Categorize nudge responses

  • Filter responses quickly

  • Prioritize & address critical responses


This article covers the following:


1. How to Add New Labels

2. How to Use Labels With Nudge Responses


How to Add New Labels


Step 1: Log in to your Qualaroo account as an admin and navigate to Labels under Account Management.


Go to Labels on your Qualaroo Dashboard


Step 2: Click Add New Label. Enter the label name and click Save.


Repeat the process to add multiple labels.


Add a new label and  Save


You will see a list of all your created label(s). You can edit or delete them as and when required.


List of all your created lables. You can modify them using action buttons


How to Use Labels With Nudge Responses


Step 1: Navigate to a survey on your dashboard.


Open a survey on your dashboard


Step 2: Scroll down to survey responses in the Beta Report section.


Scroll down to survey responses in the Beta Report section


Step 3: Click the Label icon under response and select a label to associate it with.


Click the label icon beneath a response



Select a label from the drop-down


Repeat the action for every response you wish to label.


Step 4: You can filter responses based on the associated labels from the left panel.


Filter responses as per the used label


It will reduce the turnaround time in addressing responses.


That is all about labels in Qualaroo.



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