General FAQs- Survey Display & Targeting
1. Why does the "Send" button show up on certain question screens?
The "Send" button shows up when a visitor needs to do something other than select one option. That means the Send button will be present for Multiple Choice, Freeform Text Response, and when an answer option allows for a write-in.
2. Can I change what the “Send” button text says?
Yes. You can do this at the bottom of the screen in the editor.
This field also supports other languages, so if you have a survey that needs to be in French, Spanish, or any different language, you can change the Send button to anything you like.
3. Can I have multiple message screens?
Yes, you can add multiple message screens.
In the editor, go to Add Step >> Message Screen.
4. Can I use a "mailto" link in my Call To Action?
At this time, the only links we allow in the custom Call To Action buttons are HTTP links that direct to a new webpage.
5. How Do I Use Qualaroo With My Single Page Application (SPA)?
Qualaroo is easy to use with a Single Page Application (SPA). You need to adjust the domain(s) settings that use(s) SPA or AngularJS.
Step 1: Go to your Qualaroo dashboard and find the domain that uses a SPA.
Step 2: Find the settings tab on the right side.
Step 3: Once the settings tab is open, navigate to the “Advanced tab” and click the option “This site uses a SPA framework.”
Step 4: Click “Save” and return to the dashboard.
When the SPA helper is enabled, Qualaroo will then detect URL changes every 100ms.
6. Can I Anchor the 'Other' Option to the Bottom of My Survey?
If you have the randomize option set on your answers, we'll randomize every option. Once you select the "Randomize answer order" option, you can anchor the last answer to the bottom.