How to Install Qualaroo JavaScript on Your Site


To add the Qualaroo Nudge to your website, you can easily install it by incorporating the provided JavaScript code into your website's source code. Placing the JavaScript code within your website's source code can help you control when and where the Nudge appears, ensuring that it reaches the right audience at the right time.


Here's the code snippet for Qualaroo Nudge:


<!-- Paste this code right after the <body> tag on every page of your site. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _kiq = _kiq || [];
    var d = document, f = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], s = d.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript';
    s.async = true; s.src = ''; f.parentNode.insertBefore(s, f);
    }, 1);


Follow the step-by-step guide for a quick installation.


By installing Qualaroo Nudge on your website, you can:

  • Connect with your audience in a seamless and unobtrusive way.
  • Improve user engagement for better conversions.
  • Capture valuable insights.


How to Install JavaScript Code on Your Website


Step 1: In your Qualaroo account, navigate to your domain on the dashboard and click “INSTALL CODE.” It will open a new page.


Click Install Code


Step 2: On the Install Qualaroo Tracking Code page, select the “Paste code in website source code or GTM” option.


Select Paste Code in Website Source Code or GTM


Step 3: Click “COPY TO CLIPBOARD.”


Copy the JavaScript Code


Step 4: As directed, you can paste this code after the <body> tag on the targeted page of your website.


Note: You may need a developer's help for it.
Remember: Your Qualaroo surveys are anonymous by default. You can add questions to your nudges to collect any specific information from the respondents.


Tag Manager


You can implement the javascript with the tag manager of your choice. Here are a few examples:


--> Google Tag Manager

--> Segment


To Use Analytics Integration:


Step 1: Hover over the domain name and click Settings.


Click Settings of your domain name


Step 2: Turn ON the integration option in the Analytics tab and click Save.


Enable recording of events in GA


To Target Onsite


Step 1: Click “INSTALL CODE.”


Click Install Code


Step 2: Click “VERIFY WEBSITE.”


Click Verify Website


Step 3: Click VERIFY.


Enter URL to Verify Installation


How to check the Qualaroo JavaScript using “View Page Source.”


Step 1: Right-click on the web page where the Qualaroo script is added and click on “View page Source” or press CTRL+U.


Step 2: Search for “kiq” in your page source and ensure the Qualaroo code block is below the <body> tag.


Qualaroo Code installed on a site


Step 3: Check whether the account and domain code match.


Target on site


To Install JavaScript Using the Identity API


Please Note: Your surveys will no longer be anonymous, i.e., Qualaroo Nudge™ will collect respondents' data automatically.


Step 1: On the Paste Code Manually page, turn on the “Identify your nudge respondents” button.


Step 2: Copy and paste the additional code to your site to use the Identity API feature.


Enable identification of your nudge respondents


CDN with Qualaroo


Qualaroo also supports CDN and allows up to 70% faster average loading time between requesting and retrieving the Qualaroo NudgeTM, avoiding ad blockers and getting up to 30% more responses.


Regenerate Code


NOTE: If you are using Qualaroo for the first time, this JavaScript will already be implemented on your site.


That's all about installing Qualaroo JavaScript on your site. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. 


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