How to Target Your Nudge Using the Feature "When a User Scrolls Halfway Down the Page"


As the name suggests, the “When a user scrolls halfway down the page” option triggers the survey when the visitor moves down half of the page. 


This option is optimized for the engaged users on your website.


Selecting “When a user scrolls halfway down the page” works best when:


  • You want to prompt the visitor to respond when they are already engaged with your site.

  • You want to improve the quality of your feedback collection.


To select the “When a user scrolls halfway down the page” option:


In the TARGETING section,

  • Scroll down to the WHEN option.
  • Select “When a user scrolls halfway down the page.”


targeting using when option


Selecting this option will trigger the survey when the user scrolls down half the page.


When are the best times to use this feature?


Findability of information: To notify visitors of what options they may have before moving down the page allows them to learn or provide information sooner. The information they provide could direct them to the part of the site they are looking for.


Understanding the intent on the website, "What is your goal today?": Asking this question with clear options for where to navigate next can be helpful for initiating feedback.


Understanding your target audience: Asking who came to the site and their role can be beneficial to where they may want to go next and generally what they are looking for.


What features can I pair with this option?


A few options in the targeting section match nicely with "when a user scrolls halfway down the page."


The right audience to use this feature is returning visitors. "Only returning visitors" indicates the visitor is familiar with the content, and they may be returning to get specific information from your site or ready for conversion action. Asking visitors where they first heard about your site or product is crucial to understanding your visitors as a whole.


Similarly, "Only visitors who have visited a certain number of pages" show they have enough experience to provide insightful feedback. The visitor has been through a couple of pages and has an idea of what your site is about. This could be a good opportunity for them to give feedback on improving their experience or direct them to the appropriate part of your site.


"Continue showing until a visitor provides a response" may be helpful to pair with scroll halfway down because the visitor may want to see what other information is on the page. The ability to come back to the survey after scrolling halfway down may help get feedback about different parts of the page, etc.


That is all about targeting users who have scrolled halfway down a website page.



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