How to Set Up an Integrated Dashboard


View all your NPS survey data on a centralized dashboard to keep track of critical business metrics. Enhance decision-making with improved data analysis.


Preview of the Integrated Dashboard for NPS Surveys:


Preview of Integrated Dashboard


Benefits of an integrated NPS dashboard:


  • Centralized Data Access: Access all your NPS survey responses in one place, reducing the time spent navigating through different platforms to gather insights.

  • Enhanced Data Analysis: Identify trends, measure performance against benchmarks, and make data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction.


In this article, you will learn:

1. Creating Dashboard
2. Managing Dashboard


Creating Dashboard


1. Go to More > NPS Dashboard in your Qualaroo account.


Go to NPS Dashboard in the More column

2. Click + Create Dashboard.


Click Create Dashboard on the screen

3. Add your dashboard details.


  1. Enter the name.
  2. Provide a description of your dashboard.
  3. Select the surveys which you want to view in a cumulative format. (Note: Every survey with a NPS question type will be available to select from the list.)
  4. Click Save.


Add dashboard details

4. To view the new dashboard, click the View icon. 


View your dashboard

Here’s what the dashboard will look like:


Cumulative NPS Dashboard Preview

You can click Sync to ensure the dashboard stays up-to-date with the latest response data.


Scroll down to view a graphical representation of the NPS survey performance. You can switch between daily, weekly, or monthly tabs for better analysis. Here’s what it will look like:




You can move further down to find the list of surveys added to the integrated dashboard, with an eye icon to preview individual reports. The report will open in a new tab.

Survey List and Individual Reports


Managing Dashboard(s)


The dashboard screen will have all your integrated dashboards. 


Integrated Dashboard List in Qualaroo

You can view, edit, or delete any of them using the appropriate action buttons. 


1. When you click the Edit icon, you can modify the name and description and select/deselect surveys


Once done, click Update to finish.

Modify an existing dashboard

2. When you click the Delete button, you will see the following pop-up. Click Yes to delete the selected dashboard and No to cancel.


Delete dashboard


And that's it! If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. 



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