How to Control the Active Period of Surveys
In Qualaroo, you can choose the duration to keep your surveys active based on:
Time frame
Response count
Manual activation mode
It can help you:
Get quality responses.
Automatically deactivate surveys after time-sensitive events like holiday seasons.
To activate the survey for a fixed time:
In the TARGETING section,
- Scroll down to HOW LONG.
- Select from the options as per your requirements.
Your survey will be activated for the selected condition.
Understanding the Options
Manually activate and deactivate nudge: Use this option if you wish to activate the survey manually. You would need to use the options button on your Qualaroo dashboard to activate/deactivate the survey.
Show the nudge from: [mm/dd/yy] to [mm/dd/yy]: You can select the date range for which you want to display the survey. You can set the local time within your survey visitors' browser to see if they meet the targeting criteria.
Automatically deactivate when nudge reaches [XXX] responses: Choosing this option will automatically deactivate the survey when the set response limit is reached. It is useful when you only need to collect a fixed number of responses.
And that's it! If you encounter any issues or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.